Sunday, January 27, 2019


If to tal about me it is necessary to say from the very beginning , that family is the main purpose of my life ... My family is friendly with own traditions and holidays .... I think family and house is the same .... I can't imagine my house empty without all noisy family members ... Home is the place where you are ready to come back again n again.... You can come back here even if you are angry , happy , kind , disappointed e.t.c .... They have given me so much love and affection and have made me who I am today ....we grow up with our parents taking care of our needs... They always remain with me in my all ups n downs .... They teach me morals , values and importance of relationships in humans life... They are strong supporter ,  ideal and role model in my life .... I love  my family more than anyone in this world ... Their happiness mean a lot to me... I love ma family a lot 😍😍

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