Monday, January 28, 2019

Favourite place

  • A place that I enjoy going to is beach ... It is seen as a place of relaxation because it is normally quiet and peaceful there .... The beach is not only known as a place to relax, but a place of beauty .... I go to the beach to get away from all my troubles that are bothering me .... Many a times I see artist portraying the beach with their paintings ..... I can also see many activities going on in the sea and on white sandy beach.... There are people taking walks or having picnics under shady trees ,  children collecting seashells on the beach and some are building sandcastles.... The beach is one place I can't seem to get enough of .. To me it is the best place to retreat after the tough life.. It is there I get my piece of mind

Celebration of christmas

Christmas is one of the major festival celebrated by people across the globe ... Everyone enjoys a cultural holiday on this day .... People celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm and with lots of preparations and decorations .... It is celebrated every year on 25th of December . It is also known as the feast day of Christ and celebrated in the honour of birth of Jesus Christ .... People visit church and offers prayers to the lord on this day .... Christmas is the day if great significance and joy for christian community ...people also distribute gifts ,  Christmas cards,  organise feast and songs on the ocassion....Christmas is the day when there is festivity all over in the air ... Everyone enjoys the day with parties .... Christmas teaches us to spread happiness and joy and help everyone especially needy one always.... It makes us follow the great teachings of Jesus Christ and lead a life away from sins and sorrow

social media a bad trap

Social media are online technology platform that helps to connect people together far and near... It is used to build relationship among people... The use of social media by student helps to have access to basic information as quick as possible but Nowadays social median become a bad trap for  the students.... Many students find it difficult to go about their normal life without making use of social median .... It has been also observed that students does not listen in class , they are busy chatting  ... They also waste their time chatting with their friends instead of spending their time with their family and practicing what they have learned in school .... Social media has been creating many social problems in the society .... Many students choose online communication rather than real time communication ... Too much use of education technology tools for accessing social media by students is harmful and there must be a limit .. Social media is not always bad but use of too much may be bad

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Father's love

We have been always talking about our mother's but no one talks about father his scarifies.. Now I'm gonna tell you about what fathers love is which cannot be replaced .... He may love his child differently but it always came from his heart ... Nothing in this world can replace the love of a father .... Father's love is eternal , righteous and uncondituonal ... He has always been there to guide us as we grow up to give us a better future ... Even though he has busy schedule he will always do his best to be there for us .... But whenever a father tries to discpline his child ,  the child sometimes misunderstands what father is trying to  do .... All he wanted is to bring out the best in his child and lead his child to a good future ... Every father wants the best from his child , for his child is the source of his happiness .... It is always said that a father has been a hero and role model in every daughters life and no one can replace the love that a father can give ... Therefore we should all appreciate the love that our father givea,  for he has helped to become who we are today


My hobby is gardening ... I carry out gardening only in my spar time and I have grown a beautiful garden infront of my house .... It is divided into two parts , one of which for flowers and herbal plants of different varities .... I keep the spot neat and clean .... I look after ma plants and water them daily .... Colours and fragrances of flower are source of pleasure for me .... In the second half of my garden I grow vegetables ....I grow chillies and some seasonal vegetables in it ... I too grow tomatoes in my small garden ...they taste very refreshing and tasty ... Besides this,  I have a number of flower pots in which I have grown some flowering plants.... I indulge in my hobby early on the morning as soon as I am out of bed ,  or in the evening after I return from my college .. My garden is very useful to me It keeps me busy and save me from useless gossips ... I'm proude of my beautiful garden 


Nature Is the most beautiful and attractive surrounding around us which makes us happy and provide us natural environment to live healthy ... It provide us variety of beautiful flowers ,  attractive birds , sea, mountains and so on... Our God has created beautiful nature for the healthy living of us... All the things we use for our living is from the nature which we should not spoil and damage .... It provides us beautiful environment to live and enjoy so it is our responsibility to keep it clean and away from all the damages .... Nature is very essential for our healthy life so we should keep it clean and conserve it for our future generations ... We should get fully aware about our nature and try our best to keep it natural so that it can nourish life on the earth forever ...


If to tal about me it is necessary to say from the very beginning , that family is the main purpose of my life ... My family is friendly with own traditions and holidays .... I think family and house is the same .... I can't imagine my house empty without all noisy family members ... Home is the place where you are ready to come back again n again.... You can come back here even if you are angry , happy , kind , disappointed e.t.c .... They have given me so much love and affection and have made me who I am today ....we grow up with our parents taking care of our needs... They always remain with me in my all ups n downs .... They teach me morals , values and importance of relationships in humans life... They are strong supporter ,  ideal and role model in my life .... I love  my family more than anyone in this world ... Their happiness mean a lot to me... I love ma family a lot 😍😍

Students life

Students life is the happiest period in the life of a person .... It is a life free from all anxieties of the tough world.. The mind of the student is full of noble ideas and their eyes are full of dreams ... It is said that students life is a golden life because student life is the most important part of human life... It is the period of pure joy and happiness because the mind of the  student is free from cares and worries of a grown ul life .... Every student should try his best to make the best use of his student life... Student are the future hope of country..... Fun increase after real hard work and you tend to enjoy more than those who had been lazy and have wasted their time . ... I think this period of your life is most wonderful period full of dreams and hope not a care in the world except for every student should try to be the best citizen in all respects...


 It is always said that a  friend in need is a friend indeed.. My bestfriends has always been there for me during my good n bad time...she has always been like a guide to me during ma bad times....she has also dragged me out from depths of despair when no one esle was watching .....she has been a hell of a lot more than just a friend...she's been a sister,  a partner, even an enenmy ... She told me the truth when I didn't like it .... She yelled at me when I was stubborn .. She told I was being stupid she  I though I knew it all..she has fought for me , and considered me .. Above all she has never left my side .... The say that love is external and I would argue that a true friendship can surpass all kinds of love..

Monday, January 21, 2019


Music is one of the easiest way to beat stress .It is quite possible that you might not remember the day when you had the time to close your eye sit back and enjoy those classics that you have always loved . We all have experienced it time and again that music is an effective stress buster . We might have lost what nature has to offer to us in the bustling traffic and sound proof offices but if only for a moment these sounda were to shut down one would realise that music is all round us All we need to do is listen to it .listening to music can have a relaxing effect on your mind

Sunday, January 13, 2019


I love that we set aside a whole day to honour and celebrate the woman who raised us .My mom was was an amazing mother who dedicated her life to me , ma brother, n ma family. She is the most beautiful woman I know . ma mom is the most important person in ma life . she rises before everyone does and goes to bed after everyone does . she works hard for ma family and takes care of everyone . she is one who taught me all the moral lessons and values . whenever I'm wrong in doing anything she teaches me how to do it right in a calm way. I share all my feelings any emotions with ma mom . ma mom is the most significant and influentia person in ma life.she is the pillar structure of our household life . Her encouragement can make us do every possible things in our life. She is the God figure for every child. There is no one esle in the world who can love like a mother and sacrifie alomst everything just for the sake of us being happy. I can never imagine ma life without ma mom.It is the mother in everyones life who can never  replaced from our hearts. I'm nothing without ma mom .After god I belive in someone is ma mom . Mom you are ma soul and  I love you alot